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Working with you

Quotes contain all the information you need to make a decision. There are no extra charges or hidden costs. Any extra work outside the agreed services would be discussed with you well in advance.

Cinden is your point of contact throughout the project, including for any agreed subcontracted work (such as graphic design or indexing). She regularly seeks feedback to ensure work is on track, and always aims to meet or exceed your expectations and deliver your project on time and within budget.


Cinden Lester Communications makes every effort to ensure the content on this website is accurate and reliable, but does not guarantee or accept any legal liability arising from or connected with the accuracy, correctness, reliability or currency of the content.

Links to other websites

This website contains some links to other websites for further information that might be of interest. This does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval of these websites.


This website and its contents are the copyright of Cinden Lester Communications. All rights reserved. You may not reproduce or distribute the information on this website without prior written permission. However, you may print or download information to your computer for your personal, non-commercial use.

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