Tips, observations and reflections on better writing, editing and communications planning…
Avoid these communications mistakes
Ever wished you could hit refresh or rewind?
Unfortunately, that’s not usually an option. But we can learn from our mistakes.
Here are three communications mistakes I’ve learnt from.
Cut to the chase: communicate more effectively by saying less
Have you wished a meeting would just get to the point, or read a long-winded brief and wondered what it was about?
Here’s how to cut to the chase to communicate more effectively.
Quick tips for good web writing
Writing for web?
Here are 10 quick tips to ensure your content works online.
Successful web design: focus on what’s important
Decisions, decisions…Scroll or click? Simple or complex? Parallax or retro? Interactive or not? Orange or black?
If you’re searching for the right, bright ideas for your next web project, cut the clutter and focus on what’s important.
Communication: band-aid, cure-all or scapegoat?
We’ve come a long way since the era of tin can telephony. These days we have a multitude of sophisticated communication channels and approaches to chose from. We also have many options for measuring success.
But do most organisations really understand the value of communication?
The magic of a good yarn
A new study shows that reading Harry Potter lowers Americans’ opinions of Donald Trump.
How will this play out at polling booth?
How to make the facts interesting in the age of clickbait
When I started my career as a radio journalist, my job was to ask questions and report the facts.
But that was before the Internet. How do we make the facts interesting and engaging in an era where clicks have more currency than the truth, and where the daily information cascade has unstoppable momentum?
Tune up your writing
As a general rule, short sentences are a good idea. That’s because reader comprehension takes a dive once you exceed 40 words.
But variety (and music) is important in writing too. Find out why…
Make your writing more compelling: it’s all about shoes
To produce compelling writing, think like your readers and focus on the impact for them.
In other words, step into their shoes and see things from their point of view.