
Untangle your words

Are you looking for an editor who listens to you, understands your aims and brings out the best in your work?

Cinden will help you express your messages clearly without changing the meaning of your content.

Editing services to help you create the best impression include:

  • polishing your words to ensure accurate, clear and consistent language and style (copy editing)
  • lifting your work to the next level with detailed structural, language, style and content advice (substantive editing)
  • checking amendments and other elements, such as headings and tables, to make sure your document is complete (verification editing)
  • catching any last errors for the perfect finish (proofreading).

Cinden will apply your preferred style/s and is very familiar with the Australian Government Style manual.

See some examples of editing projects.

A pile of keyboard keys

Annual reports

Flagship publications

Research reports and papers

Website content

Corporate materials


Fact sheets and brochures

Newsletters and articles

Case studies


Blog posts

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